University of Maryland
Student Chapter

Purpose Statement

The purposes of this Association shall be:

  • To promote the scientific and educational interest of those engaged in the energy industry.

  • To foster cooperative action in advancing by all lawful means the common purposes of its members, and promote activities designed to enable the industry to be conducted with the greatest economy and efficiency.

  • To afford due consideration to and expression of opinion upon questions affecting the industry and to hold meetings for the presentation and discussion of technical papers.

  • To cooperate with other industries and organizations.

  • To conduct or engage in all lawful activities in furtherance of the foregoing purposes or incidental thereto.

  • To affiliate with and promote the objectives of the Association of Energy Engineers.

Organizational Goals

The goals of this organization are:

  • To encourage and strengthen interest in studies and/or careers in the field of energy engineering.

  • To promote innovation and application of energy engineering principles, methods, and knowledge.

  • To educate the university population on the interdisciplinary nature of energy engineering and how the study of such a field may supplement related fields and/or careers.

  • To provide recognition and/or scholarship reward for scholastic achievement within the field of energy engineering.

  • To provide a bridge between students and professionals within the field of energy engineering.

  • To broaden students access and exposure to career-building, mentoring, and professional energy engineering resources.

Reach out today to learn more about AEE National Chapter!